Tuesday 17 November 2015

Children in Need

As you may already know, Children in Need was on Friday the 13th this year and because I was in placement at a primary school this year, I thought it would be fun to bake some cakes with Pudsey Bear and sprinkles on for the children. 

I didn't have a clue how on earth I was going to make the Pudsey faces, all I knew was that I needed coloured icing and a cutter somehow... 

Well, in the end I had to trace a picture of Pudsey from my computer and then copy it onto a cardboard cut out for me to be able to make my Pudsey Bear faces better. It took forever but there were amazing even if I do say so myself. Proper proud of myself!!! 

I was up until like 2 in the morning making these... I put a lot of effort into them and at least the children all behaved as they knew there was cake on the go hahaha!! Luckily there were a few left over so I got to take the rest home.

 This one was by far my best Pudsey face, I love it!!! 

The best thing about being in placement is that I get to join in with all of the activities the children do to guide and support them even though I'm really enjoying them too hahaha!! 

Halloween we were allowed to dress up as someone from Harry Potter and for Children in Need I dressed up as a super hero and donated to the charity and did my bit... did you do yours?? 

Let me know if you did anything like this for Children in Need, it's such a great cause!! 

Hope you have all had a great week and keep sending you're thoughts and prayers to all the families in Paris, no one should ever have to go through anything like that!! 

Melishia x


  1. I hosted the #FBLChat tonight so I'm stopping by! Those cupcakes look absolutely amazing and yummy! Thanks for joining the chat and ill be following your social medias (:

  2. Those cupcakes look fab, I've got serious baking envy right now! It reminds me of when I was in Primary School and we always used to have a baking/craft day for Red Nose Day and Children In Need. x

    Kathryn | Chapters of Kat

  3. Ooh I haven't done baking in ages, although I tend to stick to chocolate brownies, or just anything with loads of chocolate! They turned out so well, I'd be so pleased if I were you, I bet the kids loved it. I work as an assistant drama teacher on a Saturday and on Halloween we played themed games and gave them halloween sweets and they were so excited!

    Sheepishly Shameful blog

  4. How lovely of you to do this! The cakes are adorable did you save any for me? ;)


  5. Those cupcakes look divine! fair play for making them!
    I hope you enjoyed Christmas!


  6. These look so tasty! Was on the hunt for some pudsey inspired cupcakes and these are definitely a winner!
    Helpless Whilst Drying
